Powerflex-puslat Giulietta 940 (2010 -)
Powerflex-puslat ovat markkinoiden suosituin uretaanipuslamerkki. Powerflexin polyuretaanipuslat antavat alustalle jämäkkyyttä, joka tuntuu ajotuntumassa ja renkaiden vähäisemmässä kulumisessakin, kun pyöränkulmat eivät pääse muuttumaan kovassa rasituksessa väljien puslien takia. Tavalliseen katuajoon suosittelemme road-sarjan puslia. Black-sarjan puslat ovat jo melko jäykkiä, joten ne sopivat kilpakäyttöön radalle tai muuhun vastaavaan vaativaan käyttöön
1. PFF1-1001
PFF1-1001 is a replacement bush that is 11% stiffer than the original rubber bush. For a camber adjustable version of this bush please use PFF1-1001G.
1. PFF1-1001G
PFF1-1001G is a replacement bush that is 11% stiffer than the original rubber bush and provides +/- 0.5 of on-car camber adjustment. For a non-adjustable version of this bush please use PFF1-1001.
2. PFF1-1002
PFF1-1002 is a replacement bush that in our purple Road Series material is 23% stiffer than the original bush. For a caster offset version of this part please use PFF1-1002G.
2. PFF1-1002G
PFF1-1002G is a replacement bush that in our purple Road Series material is 23% stiffer than the original rubber bush and gives a fixed 5mm offset to provide +/- 0.5 caster offset for improved steering feel. Additional caster will also create additional negative camber on turn giving improved tyre contact with the road under heavy cornering. For a non-adjustable version of this bush please use PFF1-1002.
3. PFF1-1003-25.4
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
10. PFR1-1010
PFR1-1010 has a freely-rotating sleeve design. This prevents torsional twist in the bush material, aiding performance, reliability and increasing longevity. In addition, our part represents great value as the original bush cannot be purchased separately, with complete arms costing 345.
13. PFR1-1013-14
Fits 1.4L models. Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
13. PFR1-1013-15
Fits 1.6 – 2.0L models. Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
20. PF1-1020
Insert for the original bush. If fitting this to a diesel engined vehicle, an increase in noise and vibration is to be expected. This should be considered as a performance upgrade, not a standard replacement. Our polyurethane insert kit ships with a bolt spacing sleeve made using our Shore A 95 Black material to take up the excessive tolerance on the bore of the original mount to further reduce engine movement under load.