Powerflex-puslat Colt (2002 – 2012)
Powerflex-puslat ovat markkinoiden suosituin uretaanipuslamerkki. Powerflexin polyuretaanipuslat antavat alustalle jämäkkyyttä, joka tuntuu ajotuntumassa ja renkaiden vähäisemmässä kulumisessakin, kun pyöränkulmat eivät pääse muuttumaan kovassa rasituksessa väljien puslien takia. Tavalliseen katuajoon suosittelemme road-sarjan puslia. Black-sarjan puslat ovat jo melko jäykkiä, joten ne sopivat kilpakäyttöön radalle tai muuhun vastaavaan vaativaan käyttöön
10. PFR44-510
PFR44-510 has a knurled pattern body to retain grease and allow free rotation of the bush. This prevents torsional twist in the bush material, aiding performance, reliability and increasing longevity.
20. PFF44-520
PFF44-520 is suitable for petrol engined road models. For track/tuned models use PFF44-520P. This is a complete bush to fit into the original mount. For an insert only please use PFF44-521.
20. PFF44-520P
PFF44-520P is suitable for track car/tuned models, it is a stiffer bush and may give more vibration This is a complete bush to fit into the original mount. For an insert only please use PFF44-521. Please note these are an upgrade, some additional vibration may be felt.
20. PFF44-521
This is an insert that fits into the voids in the original bush. For a complete bush please use PFF44-520. Not recommended for 3 cylinder engines.
23. PFF44-523
This new part is designed to limit excessive movement of the transmission under load by providing additional stability to the mount. This insert is very easy to fit and is fast way to improve shift feel and performance. Not recommended for 3 cylinder engines.