Powerflex-puslat 307 (2001-2011)
Powerflex-puslat ovat markkinoiden suosituin uretaanipuslamerkki. Powerflexin polyuretaanipuslat antavat alustalle jämäkkyyttä, joka tuntuu ajotuntumassa ja renkaiden vähäisemmässä kulumisessakin, kun pyöränkulmat eivät pääse muuttumaan kovassa rasituksessa väljien puslien takia. Tavalliseen katuajoon suosittelemme road-sarjan puslia. Black-sarjan puslat ovat jo melko jäykkiä, joten ne sopivat kilpakäyttöön radalle tai muuhun vastaavaan vaativaan käyttöön
3. PFF50-603-21
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-22
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-22.5
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-23
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-23.5
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-24
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-24.5
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
3. PFF50-603-25
Measure bar diameter and select correct size for your car.
20. PFF50-306
Only fits vehicles with cast aluminium engine bush mounting brackets. It will not fit the pressed steel anti-torque link 1806.68, 1806.H0 or 1806.H1. Please note these parts should be considered an upgrade and therefore some additional NVH transmission may be felt.
20. PFF50-306R
Only fits vehicles with cast aluminium engine bush mounting brackets. It will not fit the pressed steel anti-torque link 1806.68, 1806.H0 or 1806.H1. Please note these parts should be considered an upgrade and therefore some additional NVH transmission may be felt.
20. PFF50-420
Peugeot 206 PFF50-420 fits 1.1, 1.4 & 1.6 petrol engines (65mm). – Peugeot 307 PFF50-420 is used where the original bush diameter measures 65mm, for vehicles with a 70mm bush use PFF50-306.
20. PFF50-420R
PFF50-420R fits diesel engines with a 65mm original bush. For vehicles with a 70mm bush use part number PFF50-306R.
. EXH017
Quantity as required