Powerflex-puslat Impreza
Powerflex-puslat ovat markkinoiden suosituin uretaanipuslamerkki. Powerflexin polyuretaanipuslat antavat alustalle jämäkkyyttä, joka tuntuu ajotuntumassa ja renkaiden vähäisemmässä kulumisessakin, kun pyöränkulmat eivät pääse muuttumaan kovassa rasituksessa väljien puslien takia. Tavalliseen katuajoon suosittelemme road-sarjan puslia. Black-sarjan puslat ovat jo melko jäykkiä, joten ne sopivat kilpakäyttöön radalle tai muuhun vastaavaan vaativaan käyttöön
2. PFF69-502G
PFF69-502G is designed to replace the front lower control arm rear bush and is engineered to provide:- 1. revised front ANTI-LIFT geometry 2. on-car CASTER adjustment giving +/-0.33 degrees of adjustment 3. improved front traction and reduced understeer 4. low compliance ball and socket bush design
3. PFF69-503-18
Please measure the diameter of the anti roll bar and order the correct size.
3. PFF69-503-20
Please measure the diameter of the anti roll bar and order the correct size.
3. PFF69-503-21
Please measure the diameter of the anti roll bar and order the correct size.
10. PFR69-510G
This bush is designed to replace the rear upper control arm front bush and is engineered to provide on car CAMBER adjustment with a range of +/- 1.0 degree, as well as being of a low compliance design. This bush must be used in conjunction with PFR69-511G.
11. PFR69-511G
This bush is designed to replace the rear upper control arm rear bush and is engineered to provide on car CAMBER adjustment with a range of +/- 1.0 degree, as well as being of a low compliance design. This bush must be used in conjunction with PFR69-510G.
12. PFR69-512-16
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
12. PFR69-512-18
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
12. PFR69-512-19
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
12. PFR69-512-20
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.