Powerflex-puslat Transporter Models
Powerflex-puslat ovat markkinoiden suosituin uretaanipuslamerkki. Powerflexin polyuretaanipuslat antavat alustalle jämäkkyyttä, joka tuntuu ajotuntumassa ja renkaiden vähäisemmässä kulumisessakin, kun pyöränkulmat eivät pääse muuttumaan kovassa rasituksessa väljien puslien takia. Tavalliseen katuajoon suosittelemme road-sarjan puslia. Black-sarjan puslat ovat jo melko jäykkiä, joten ne sopivat kilpakäyttöön radalle tai muuhun vastaavaan vaativaan käyttöön
4. PFF85-1004
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
4. PFF85-1004-19
Please check anti roll bar diameter before ordering.
4. PFF85-1005
Fitted to earlier vehicles only (1980-1985)
4. PFF85-1005-23
Fitted to earlier vehicles only (1980-1985)
11. PFR85-1011
Fits inner and outer bushes
21. PFR85-1020KIT3
This kit fits the T3 Syncro front diff, the Iltis rear diff or the rear diff of the T4 Syncro. PFR85-1020 KIT3 includes 6 polyurethane bushes and 3 stainless steel sleeves.
22. PFR85-1020KIT2
Kit fits T3 Syncro gearbox. For the Iltis you will need 2 kits one for the gearbox and one for the engine. PFR85-1020 KIT2 includes 4 polyurethane bushes and 2 stainless steel sleeves.
23. PFF85-1021
The bump stops on Transporter T3 vehicles have previously been modified to suit lowered and standard vehicles, although shortened versions have been available before, these have long been discontinued by VW. PFF85-1021 replaces the original shortened and standard version of the original bump stop.
24. PF85-1022
Fits the upper position of the front damper on T3 vehicles where quantity per car: 2. Fits the lower position of the rear damper on T4 vehicles where quantity per car: 4.